Your description of yourself as a human immediately affects your experience of being human. That is, what you think alters what you are and any experience you have. Thoughts applied to experience are not the experience, nor is any thought of you, what you are. YOU are existence itself right up until the moment you think about it. So, stop thinking!
As a human, you are not unique. As a God, you are beyond any need to be so. Only your mind (ego) cares. Which rules over you? Be honest.
You and you alone bring to every experience your “minds’” reaction to it. The most common thing most do is point away from themselves and look outward for a cause, e.g., “something or someone, out there, made me do it.” If you are experiencing it, you are the cause of it. Learn to love all the “effects” you create (cause). Creators, (YOU) do this and love everything about what they do.
Your greatest act, the most significant and grand thing you have ever done or will ever do, is what you do right now. That’s right! Even in your imagination, you cannot top the spectacle, mystery, and sheer exhilaration of “what is” right now.
Embrace it, love it, and lose yourself entirely to it. Wonders surround you NOW.
No one has a right to a particular outcome regardless of the seeds sown. This is the paradox of human experience that most of us have forgotten and typically judge unfairly. All we can do is embrace fully “what is” in any given experience without the expectation of an outcome we believe is commensurate with our activity and definitely without any judgment of whatever unfolds. Get good with “what is,” after all; it’s all there is.
Carl’s Nutshell’s
Did you know that without your mind’s thoughts, fantasies, dreams, wishes, hopes, stresses, judgments, analyses, assessments, etc., each moment would be completely real, unfiltered and brand spanking new? Few, if any, experience the experience of untainted (by anything mind based) experience. Get out of your mind!
Anything other than living fully in the present is a waste of living. Waste not a second with what isn’t.
Thoughts will never outrun the pace of life. We cannot think our way to better-ness because, right now, no such thing exists. YOU stand at the center of all that is, and with YOU, at the center, nothing could be more grand or powerful. Embracing life, that is, what you experience right now, will get you further than anything you can think otherwise. Life is, after all, YOU!
Life does not happen! YOU happen, making life the direct product of YOU. Do you see? There is no here or there, past, present, when, or why without your experience of it. YOU are the creative center of the universe, and out of YOU, all is. Now, go “happen.”