When you single out anyone as an object of villainy, non-virtuous, etc., you do nothing more than demonstrate the criteria for your judgments. All that is must exist as is without any commentary from you (or anyone) about what should be, and if you cannot find the beauty in that, you’re the problem you seek to point out.
Desire is a vicious circle. The moment of pleasure is when we get what we want, but it is short-lived and replaced with wanting more. Wanting is driven by the pain and emptiness of not having that feeds on itself. Here’s a paradox; “Not having” is the ultimate having. Don’t think about it. The mind will never get it but letting go of what you don’t have and want is when the real good stuff begins to happen.
You and only you bring to every present moment experience your reaction to it—love-hate, right-wrong, happy-sad, etc. You own every response, action, and reaction. Experience is neutral, so nothing is done to us; we, rather, are the “doing” to experience.
What we did yesterday and what we do today have no bearing on anything that happens tomorrow. Tomorrow does not exist, nor does yesterday. All we can do is experience now, and the best way to experience anything is to cease thinking about nonexistent things. You and I, at this moment, are all there is or will ever be.
Got thoughts? The things we believe are essential are only so because we think so. If we are one with all things, there can be no division from anything. Our thoughts, beliefs, etc., create division. Good and evil are only concepts that human minds invent. Stop thinking and watch everything blend into one magnificent whole. You are that
Our earthly experience is entirely unbiased and neutral in every way. We add the bias, the judgments, and thoughts about what is happening and why. That is our confusion. Our minds muddle experiences, creating suffering and short-lived happiness in an endless parade of wants and desires. Any wonder why we need to be “out of our minds?”
The spiritual default for things not going as we would like them is that “these things are happening to me for a reason” or “I’ll be better for having gone through them.” NOT!
We, meaning you, are responsible for everything in our experience, directly, indirectly, and uniquely. There is no “out there.” Own your life; if you don’t, life will own you.