
The idea of confession is another device that causes us to look outward for inward solutions. To confess one’s sins, as it were, to someone we consider to have the ability to absolve us is contrary to what Jesus taught us. No one can forgive save God and the only confessing we need do is to Him or Her. As we are the gods we seek. The creator of our own experience, then true confession must be directed inward to ourselves.

True confession is owning up to the reality that our condition, our reality is different, distant and out of sync with who we really are. We are divine beings, gods, having a human experience. Our only confession should be to the inner knowing god, that in our petty reality, that what we have let ourselves become, is not the divine beings we truly are. When we recognize the difference between our earthly state and the “god” that we are then we look no more to outside sources to absolve us. Instead, we connect to the true source of power that exists individually within us and with new eyes, we look outward only to see how different we are from the rest of those who continue to look outward for solutions to the state they find themselves in.

Confessing one’s sins to a priest, friend, doctor or family member is a shallow release compared to looking at ourselves as the identity we have created versus our true divine nature. Who can absolve God? The question is not meant to imply there is a God out somewhere in the heavens waiting to judge us. It is meant to point each of to look inwardly to the god that we are. When we recognize our divine nature the question becomes more poignant because it is a question that can only be asked of that divine being who dwells within each of us individually. Maybe the contrast is too great to acknowledge.

In the judgment that is spoken of in the New Testament and by Christians the world over no one will be looking at us and with pointing finger telling us where we sinned and where we did well. We, as gods, will look at ourselves in the full light of day and contemplate how we were so easily led away by the pettiness of our three-dimensional reality, from the divine nature of our true selves. That is the only day of reckoning there will ever be and it will not cause us to be cast in or out of anywhere. We will move on unaffected by the experience and no better or worse than we ever were and without suffering any consequences devised by the pettiness of our egoic selves.

In the grand scheme of things, existence will continue without ramifications and our sojourn here on earth will just be one of an infinite number of them we will experience in one form or another. When you find the god that you are you will rise above the need to judge others and yourself and you will find that any idea of sin vanishes. Life is about experiences regardless of how our reality judges them. There is never a need to second guess anything you do, have done or will do. Find that inner you that knows all and life will open up in ways you never conceived of before. In that knowing the idea of sin, judgment and confession will no longer take form in your experience. You will simply live!

Thoughts Shared With a Young Explorer (Part 3)

This is the last post of my conversation with a young explorer searching for his own enlightenment. My answers to his questions are inline with his questions. He is a very intelligent individual. I think you will find his questions and hopefully my answers very interesting. My answers are in blue:

The first point I would like to bring up, if I understand your statements correctly, you said, on your website, that each individual was capable of doing anything conceivable just as any god that they personally could imagine. Correct. Also I gather that you believe that each person is technically free from any and all burdens and limits, and can with proper exercise of their “spiritual” side release these capabilities. If by technically you mean “mind” created limits then no you are not free. It is the discovery of the “I Am” that is not a part of a mind created illusion that will allow the engagement of godlike power. Gods are completely free of any burden and limits as you describe them.  Going on these assumptions (and correct me if I’m wrong about those assumptions) how can such an idea be reconciled with the irrevocable position that humans find themselves in now, even those such as yourself who embrace the possibility of higher capabilities? The “irrevocable position” you describe is a “mind” created position from a collective of minds (egos works too). I know unequivocally that the mind cannot get to the possibility of “higher capability” you mention. It can attract more of “this reality” to its self and most of what we see going on in this world is just that, e.g., mind attracting more and bigger versions of the same.   

You seem to imply that one can be the master of their own reality down to the last detail. If “one” is ego then absolutely not. If “one” is god then yes. Yet to imply this however seems faulty considering the fact that a human by taking thought cannot “change one hair of the head” or add an inch to their stature. Correct but what is thought? It is the mind identified with forms it chooses as important and necessary to “it’s” own identity. Mind is limited and stuck in a world it believes must be answerable to 3-D reality. It is a finite world the mind lives in.  In short I mean to say that seeing that one cannot change many things about their own reality or that they are subject to such conditions in the first place implies that each being is subject to higher powers, and therefore cannot be god of their own reality beyond their control over their own will. Very nice “mind” created thought. You might as well have said “my mind can only grasp (because it has been conditioned to do so) that there must be a god out there somewhere the likes of which I can never become. That is the illusion I accept.”  Certainly the mind that lies at the heart of our beings can somewhat detach itself from physical realities and ponder on things “supernatural” but this does not imply that there is complete control over the condition a being finds itself in or that it finds part of the matter it can control in (the body itself.) Your “mind” speaking again. It will tell you it can detach and ponder the “higher” things of eternity but it cannot. It is inextricably attached to the physical and knows not god. It only knows the identity it has created and will tell you anything to keep you believing that. 

Even by your own actions you presume that my analysis of the matter is incorrect or faulty in that it goes against some system or pattern that must be followed…that my thoughts are following inbred tendencies and biases and that I must avoid them because of a suspicion or fear of contamination, by doing so you inadvertently have subjected yourself to what you deem to be a higher law. It may seem to you that it matters or that I care but I don’t. You’ll come to it on your own or you won’t. It doesn’t matter at all. I share with you the limitations created by the mind to keep us stuck. Judgment is the biggest. Humility is second. Don’t see a lot of either in our mind constructed world today. Your pursuits of things mystical have been, no doubt governed by certain practices which you have habitually repeated, and you therefore are a servant and not the master as a god would seem to be. I’m not sure how you could conclude such a thing but yes at one time I was the servant of my own mind created illusion. That is becoming (more and more) no longer the case. I never pursued mystical things. I did, however, always have an awareness of my spiritual, mystical (if want to call it that) nature. I tended to be afraid of it as the mind reality I was in (greatly influenced by the church) said it was evil. That is no longer my reality or illusion. I am Mystical as are you.

Science is hardly different in that it also trusts in certain natural processes and follows them through to obtain results from evidences that can be measured physically. In both cases you have people subjecting themselves to the order of things outside their own will and desire in order to bring about some realization or result. Even if one claims that seeking out this inner god requires listening to a higher instinct this still implies that there is a higher order of things being obeyed thus making null and void the idea of godlike power over ones reality. What more can I say? Your ego is stringing some good thoughts that make perfect sense to its level of reasoning. I engage my own mind to read your questions and understand what you are saying but spiritually speaking there is no “higher instinct.” Instinct is a thought form that has its creation in the mind. I’m not there. Instead of seeking out “this inner god” try only seeking out a “quiet mind.” Forget god for now. You seem to be on a quest to “not” discover him or her. Try only quieting your mind. He or she will show up sooner or later.

That was the first point.

Second, you appeal to scripture, and even your own patriarchal blessing (the thing you were told when you were 14 which you spoke of in your bio on to confirm your conclusions yet deny the remainder of said sources almost entirely. Hmmmmmm….I think you’re making an incorrect assumption. I don’t deny anything. I don’t care where “knowing” comes from. I accept pretty much all of it’s possible sources and believe me those sources are infinite. My patriarch was a great man and imparted truth to me that sang to my soul. He spoke to god, as god. 3 dimensionally speaking I rule out nothing anymore just because I was conditioned in a certain way. You sited Jesus as telling the people that they were “gods” and indeed He did say so, but did He not also command love, obedience, and sacrifice? Correct. This is not consistent with your assertion that Jesus and prophets taught and followed some different belief system similar to what you have discovered. I hear your conditioned ego at work again. “Belief system” as you call it is a very egoic (mind created) thought form. It calls forth duality which I have discussed earlier and in so doing it creates judgment. The mind always falls back to what it was conditioned to accept as reality. I don’t propose they had a belief system. That would be egoic and mind created. Instead they recognized they were gods and their awareness went from “mind created” to “god created.” They did not need or espouse “belief system.” In fact they are more likely to have taught us to “unbelieve.”

Third, simply denying the present physical existence as an illusion is to deny oneself insights into the realms of eternity that this physical reality must function in harmony with. Remember that the insights you speak of are mind created insights. There is noting wrong (or right) with such thoughts and insights but that is all they are. Never forget that. Even our science tells us that what makes it into consciousness is a small fraction of what is really going on. As spiritual beings it is even more that we could see and be aware of if we could see “as gods” and not as “minds.”  Just as a simulation or game may temporarily and in minor ways rearrange the order of our perception of overall reality that doesn’t mean that such fabrications are complete illusions that have no connection to what we see before us. Games or fabrications? Now who or what devised them? Illusions inside illusions….you’re becoming very sophisticated in your description of “illusion.” At fundamental levels they all rely upon basic realities, yet to claim ownership of all-powerful knowledge yet still be subjected to an alleged illusion further illustrates that regardless of godlike potential one is still subject to powers greater than his/her own to which they are held captive. When you discover the god that you are you will not be subject to any law, including what we call physical laws (gravity, etc.). God’s know no law and are therefore not held captive by them. Only the mind puts barriers around the infinite. Think of it this way. any absolute you establish as “your reality” is a finite reality. I don’t dwell in that world any more but I do accept that I am in it and I try to “get along” so as to not upset to many along the way who see things as you do. Jesus called that “rendering unto Caesars what is Caesars” Don Juan called it “controlling your folly,” and there are other expressions such as “chop wood and carry water.”

To follow a route of believing that we are sucked into some illusion is to surmise that we are subjected to any number of layers of fabricated realities and discredits ones own existence and will entirely, thereby plunging everything and everyone out of existence, agency and consequence. I’ve never said you are sucked into an illusion. What i say is that we are taught “what” to see and what is important by the “mind created” world of humans. Surely I do not discredit my own existence. I exalt it but accept it as nothing more than a vacation from “other things” I and all of us were doing before incarnating on Earth. This life should be fun no matter how you “judge” the particular experience you are having at any given time.

This concept is not new, and was thoroughly explored by others as indicated by this reference. As I mentioned before. To the mind created reality there is “opposition in all things.” To the spiritual (gods) there is not. Everything is equal.  

So it can be ascertained by simple observation that there are governing laws which humans have sought to understand so that we might be in harmony with them to our advantage. Governing is an egoic term. Gods don’t govern. To govern or be governed is not to be free. Humans govern but only because they have lost the “knowing” that they are gods first who are supposed to be enjoying a human experience.  Also, seeing that life and existence allow the presence of goodness, joy, happiness, serenity, peace or any good thing simply shows that the overruling power of all things is “good” or freedom and agency promoting, for self-serving “evil” would not allow joy or anything contrary to its own nature or which didn’t consolidate all power life and existence to itself, and only that which is truly good and inspires freedom would allow the agency we enjoy whether to seek out greater freedom and capabilities or captivity and death. I once believed this but that was when I had a concept of “good and evil” and believed there was an “overruling power.” I no longer have a concept of “good or evil” and you know who god is.

So I ask, which is greater and more likely true to our eternal nature, the assumption that we are victims of meaningless illusion thereby robbing us of agency and free will and any form of godliness (agency), or the realization that those powers which truly enable and free and magnify the existence of any being are those which embrace and harmonize with all levels of existence? Only those caught up in the illusion are victims of it and by the way most are. You have the ability to change your life in an instant. all power for you to do that right now is at your hand. You need only do it. Your mind and the illusion it creates is what robs you of any agency you think you have or are supposed to have. Change it now. You can do that.  Life and our existence itself show a pattern (even in the fact that we must be able to look beyond and comprehend things outside the physical realm) that laws do exist and only by obedience to those laws can we hope to attain to any level of additional choice, knowledge or freedom even as your assertion about the nature of reality admits. Ahhhh…Grasshopper. Spoken like a true Mormon. Obedience does not open you up to additional choice, knowledge or freedom. Awareness of the reality of a conditioned mind that believes “obedience” to mind constructed laws is what will free you. You are free already and you already know everything. Your mind prevents you from accessing what you are and what you know and all the subjection and obedience you give yourself over to will not get you any closer to finding your true self.

These are the areas where I see a key fault. Your conjectures about the nature of reality contradict themselves, for on the one hand they embrace a nature and a law and individual choice, but on the other hand claim that the realm we readily experience has no part of such nature and law and individual choice, or that we are subjected to the same until we assert our own power over it by obeying some law which should give us power although we supposedly already retain it for ourselves yet find ourselves subject to an outside force without any choice on our part. You are really hung up on “law.” I make no assertions that acceptance of “some law” that gives us power. If anything I am saying there are no laws at all that you or I are subject to at all. Gods are not bound by law. Any law and when you get that you overcome all boundaries that hold you back from being what you truly are. Remember what I said earlier. Know by “not knowing.” Let me add do by “not doing,’ see by “not seeing.” Here’s a great illusion: someone you consider to be an authority tells you to obey his or her way of believing things and you do. Who then is bound? Laws exist for those who need laws and those who need laws are the mind created collectives who want to control you in some way or another. It is confusing to try to explain the nature of such a belief or to ultimately come to the sure foundation since the pattern set by accepting such assumptions will inexorably lead one to question any other “reality” they claim to have found on the same basis as they questioned the first. I have no beliefs. All of it, everything is incredible or wondrous and to ascribe to a set of beliefs is to place my own imposed importance on something that is just to incredible to describe. I nor you really have enough time in this life to consider our importance, important.

However we should have hope despite our lack of being in complete control for our ability to comprehend and be aware of natural law sets forth a pattern which simply states that we are capable of acquiring understanding and ascending the scale of ability and choice and freedom for we are not inhibited to see and to choose to do so, and therefore we are invited to “climb.” Big problem in the illusion today. We are so convinced that we are lowly and sinful and unworthy blah, blah blah, that a big part of the current illusion has convinced us that we must “climb” as you call it and find that greater purpose that lies ahead somewhere. We are already gods! We stepped down to come here and our purpose for being here is not to step up. We already are up!! Always have been and always will be. We are “the purpose.” We came here to have fun and we are all wrapped up on finding out why we came here. Such a waste of time and energy when everything is before us to let go and just enjoy this incredible experience.  

The empowerment of knowing we have choice and our own agency is the crux of any philosophy or religion or scientific pursuit. The fact of the “present” asserts the fact that we are by nature free beings over our own wills, and can use such to influence those things placed within our grasp, and the fact that we exist gives us liberating knowledge and purpose that witnesses that we are part of the fabric of the universe without beginning or end and that we have a far more fundamental involvement and place in it than is sometimes conceived. Sounds like god speaking. Great truth here. Do you know what you are saying here? Everything is in your grasp…everything. In fact, you already hold it in your hands.

Thoughts Shared With a Young Explorer (Part 2)

To continue the dialogue with my young friend from yesterday’s post (As I mentioned in the previous post our young explorer is LDS so some of his questions (and my answers) have a connotation oriented to that faith. The answers are general, however:

Young Explorer:

The first point I would like to bring up, if I understand your statements correctly, you said, on your website, that each individual was capable of doing anything conceivable just as any god that they personally could imagine. Also I gather that you believe that each person is technically free from any and all burdens and limits, and can with proper exercise of their “spiritual” side release these capabilities. Going on these assumptions (and correct me if I’m wrong about those assumptions) how can such an idea be reconciled with the irrevocable position that humans find themselves in now, even those such as yourself who embrace the possibility of higher capabilities?

You seem to imply that one can be the master of their own reality down to the last detail. Yet to imply this however seems faulty considering the fact that a human by taking thought cannot “change one hair of the head” or add an inch to their stature. In short I mean to say that seeing that one cannot change many things about their own reality or that they are subject to such conditions in the first place implies that each being is subject to higher powers, and therefore cannot be god of their own reality beyond their control over their own will. Certainly the mind that lies at the heart of our beings can somewhat detach itself from physical realities and ponder on things “supernatural” but this does not imply that there is complete control over the condition a being finds itself in or that it finds part of the matter it can control in (the body itself.)

Even by your own actions you presume that my analysis of the matter is incorrect or faulty in that it goes against some system or pattern that must be followed…that my thoughts are following inbred tendencies and biases and that I must avoid them because of a suspicion or fear of contamination, by doing so you inadvertently have subjected yourself to what you deem to be a higher law. Your pursuits of things mystical have been, no doubt governed by certain practices which you have habitually repeated, and you therefore are a servant and not the master as a god would seem to be.

Science is hardly different in that it also trusts in certain natural processes and follows them through to obtain results from evidences that can be measured physically. In both cases you have people subjecting themselves to the order of things outside their own will and desire in order to bring about some realization or result. Even if one claims that seeking out this inner god requires listening to a higher instinct this still implies that there is a higher order of things being obeyed thus making null and void the idea of godlike power over ones reality.

That was the first point.

Second, you appeal to scripture, and even your own patriarchal blessing (the thing you were told when you were 14 which you spoke of in your bio on to confirm your conclusions yet deny the remainder of said sources almost entirely. You sited Jesus as telling the people that they were “gods” and indeed He did say so, but did He not also command love, obedience, and sacrifice? This is not consistent with your assertion that Jesus and prophets taught and followed some different belief system similar to what you have discovered.

Third, simply denying the present physical existence as an illusion is to deny oneself insights into the realms of eternity that this physical reality must function in harmony with. Just as a simulation or game may temporarily and in minor ways rearrange the order of our perception of overall reality that doesn’t mean that such fabrications are complete illusions that have no connection to what we see before us. At fundamental levels they all rely upon basic realities, yet to claim ownership of all-powerful knowledge yet still be subjected to an alleged illusion further illustrates that regardless of godlike potential one is still subject to powers greater than his/her own to which they are held captive.

To follow a route of believing that we are sucked into some illusion is to surmise that we are subjected to any number of layers of fabricated realities and discredits ones own existence and will entirely, thereby plunging everything and everyone out of existence, agency and consequence.

This concept is not new, and was thoroughly explored by others as indicated by this reference. (this is a Mormon passage found in the Book of Mormon).

So it can be ascertained by simple observation that there are governing laws which humans have sought to understand so that we might be in harmony with them to our advantage. Also, seeing that life and existence allow the presence of goodness, joy, happiness, serenity, peace or any good thing simply shows that the overruling power of all things is “good” or freedom and agency promoting, for self-serving “evil” would not allow joy or anything contrary to its own nature or which didn’t consolidate all power life and existence to itself, and only that which is truly good and inspires freedom would allow the agency we enjoy whether to seek out greater freedom and capabilities or captivity and death.

So I ask, which is greater and more likely true to our eternal nature, the assumption that we are victims of meaningless illusion thereby robbing us of agency and free will and any form of godliness (agency), or the realization that those powers which truly enable and free and magnify the existence of any being are those which embrace and harmonize with all levels of existence? Life and our existence itself show a pattern (even in the fact that we must be able to look beyond and comprehend things outside the physical realm) that laws do exist and only by obedience to those laws can we hope to attain to any level of additional choice, knowledge or freedom even as your assertion about the nature of reality admits.

These are the areas where I see a key fault. Your conjectures about the nature of reality contradict themselves, for on the one hand they embrace a nature and a law and individual choice, but on the other hand claim that the realm we readily experience has no part of such nature and law and individual choice, or that we are subjected to the same until we assert our own power over it by obeying some law which should give us power although we supposedly already retain it for ourselves yet find ourselves subject to an outside force without any choice on our part. It is confusing to try to explain the nature of such a belief or to ultimately come to the sure foundation since the pattern set by accepting such assumptions will inexorably lead one to question any other “reality” they claim to have found on the same basis as they questioned the first.

However we should have hope despite our lack of being in complete control for our ability to comprehend and be aware of natural law sets forth a pattern which simply states that we are capable of acquiring understanding and ascending the scale of ability and choice and freedom for we are not inhibited to see and to choose to do so, and therefore we are invited to “climb.”

The empowerment of knowing we have a choice and our own agency is the crux of any philosophy or religion or scientific pursuit. The fact of the “present” asserts the fact that we are by nature free beings over our own wills, and can use such to influence those things placed within our grasp, and the fact that we exist gives us liberating knowledge and purpose that witnesses that we are part of the fabric of the universe without beginning or end and that we have a far more fundamental involvement and place in it than is sometimes conceived.

My response:

“The illusion is great in you young grasshopper,” but, so too, is the force;-). You remind me of me. You search but your search is of 3-dimensional things which mine once was also. I see the natural duality of space-time reality at work in your life just as it was in the time of Jacob and other leaders of the Book of Mormon and with varying philosophers throughout time. The idea that there is “opposition in all things” is a 3-dimensional dilemma and it is at the heart of “judgment” which no one would argue Jesus told us “not” to do. Most think his admonition not to judge was because it would be taken care of by a God out there in yonder heavens and so was not necessary for us to get involved in but that would be wrong. Jesus told us not to judge because he like so many others knew that there is no duality when it comes to “spiritual” life. In other words, everything that happens is profoundly wonderful and no experience in life can be “judged” as anything but incredible regardless of how it is viewed or judged.

There is no good or evil except as you create it in your 3-dimensional mind and your mind is a totally physical thing. Your mind is not spiritual! No part of it is. Not the sub-conscious, not the conscious or any other part of it you may choose. When you speak of spiritual things you cannot include 3-dimensional conditions or conclusions because 3-dimensional reality does not comprehend (and never will) spiritual things. The great difficulty in life is the struggle between the mind and the spirit (god) that dwells within. The mind is constantly struggling to keep control so it is not lost to the aspect of each of us that it cannot comprehend. You cannot do the things Jesus said you can do because your mind has convinced you, you cannot. Your mind is the product of upbringing that has convinced you, you cannot do anything that cannot be explained in rational or 3-D terms.
As long as you remain trapped in the dogmatic ideas you constantly seek to prove or disprove in human terms you will remain forever in a quest that has no end in 3-D terms. The mind is completely good with this because as long as it can convince you that a rational answer to your divine nature exists you will never discover your divine nature and this is the mind’s ultimate objective. The mind does not exist outside of any conception other than the one it has created as “the self.” There is no self. That is the beauty of “waking up” from mind created reality or as I like to call it “illusion.” Nothing you identify with in this human existence or that you think is important is. When you find that space you no longer see the world as it is rather you see it for what it is not and what it is not is so much greater than anything you can imagine. Petty human words and language are remiss to describe it.
I can’t tell you what I know. You can’t learn it either. It already exists within you but you will never find it through the mind. The mind is the great tempter and teaser. It will let you think you are smarter than anyone and have intellectually figured everything out and nothing could be more untrue. It will even convince you that through it you can have “freedom” which it cannot even begin to comprehend. Freedom does not exist as a mind conceived thought form. The mind can only conjecture what freedom is based on its idea of reality. The only true freedom is freedom from what the mind thinks is real and important. Outside of that, we are not free. Freedom is not an abstract, mind created idea. It is the inherent nature of gods. It is your inherent nature but as soon as you try to define “it” using words and definitions you no longer are free.
What I am trying to convey to you is that I cannot provide you any answers that you don’t already possess at a deep inner level. The only way to access that knowing is to shut down your mind that refuses to shut up. Once you do that the god that you are will speak and it will be a voice of knowing. When my patriarch told me I would speak to people from many walks of life and that I would speak the truth it was not my mind that heard those words. It was god, the inner me, that knew and those were the only words I heard. They hit me to my core and they have never left me. God knows but God also does not interfere. God only works in an “unknowing” mind or better yet “no mind.” One of my affirmations is to “know” by “not knowing.” 
I would love to provide conclusive proofs to you but I cannot nor is it important to me to do so. I know the course my journey has taken and I see you travelling a similar road. All I can do is suggest that you find ways to turn off the chatter of your mind. That is when god (you the god) will speak and show you wonders you have always known.
See below for some thoughts on your comments and questions below but know that you are in a different place than I am. I am not looking for 3-D conclusions and proofs. It just doesn’t matter. I no longer see what the world sees. Most people only see what they look at but my “seeing” is not with eyes. Something else perceives a greater reality. A reality of non-illusion as constructed by physical senses. You are limited by your mind. That is why you must get out of it. See below for more: 
(You can see here that I have more to share. I will save that for the last post tomorrow. In my last post I answer the “parts” of the question asked (above) in line so you get a response to the actual idea or thought presented by our young explorer).  More to follow

Thoughts Shared With a Young Explorer

I have been having an ongoing discussion with a young explorer this last week. I thought I would share his questions along with my thoughts on them. He reminds me of a time in my life when I was looking for three-dimensional answers to questions that exceed the boundaries of the finite illusion we live in. I think you might enjoy our deep and penetrating discussion (by the way our young searcher is a member of the LDS church but has been in his own search for spiritual insight and truth):

Searcher: So I read your bio on Amazon, (you can view the information he refers to here and from what I can glean from what little I’ve seen on your blog, and the bio and the description of the book etc… is that you are speaking of spiritual sensitivity…

But before I get into that, may I say that I certainly have empathy for your past experiences involving mental illness. I was diagnosed with OCD six years ago after having a near mental breakdown (on my mission no less).

That said, I can emphasize that struggling against this chemical imbalance in my mind, and being raised by faithful believing parents, my mind was quick and arduous and thorough in exploring many avenues of thought and searching deep channels of spirituality.

I think you have tapped (and I would guess that you can relate) into something that was once far more common for mankind to search out. Today in our world of science and physical evidence people quickly discard or ignore searching the soul and our obvious connection with the eternal.

I surmise that this is what you have implied by saying that Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith were tapping into what you have inferred is a very similar vein, not to mention many other spiritual greats throughout the ages.

I also recognize the thrill that considering the divine and embracing our deep nature gives of which you have referred to…

It is really interesting to ponder all of it really, because men throughout the ages and even in the world today (especially in the less “scientifically advanced” nations) still dig deep into these spiritual realms, and often sink tap roots deep into their eternal roots looking for peace and strength.

I myself have felt the impression that I am an eternal being in a temporal existence. It is that feeling simply of knowing that one exists and has always existed.

These things to me, remind me of the heady excitement that one can have considering the possibilities of eternity, and (for latter-day saints) thinking, I’m a child of the God of the universe, and coming to an epiphany of realizing you are far more than your mortal mind recognizes or can remember.

It is similar to the thrill I get even contemplating the vast expanse of the physical universe that is observable and the myriad worlds and countless wonders that surely would defy our previous imaginations.

It strikes me that your description of coming to a realization of letting things in the past go and living in the now really seems to resemble embracing the attitude of faith and self forgiveness and hope…hope to move on and build up and to rise from the ashes of the past, good bad or indifferent.

My question to you is, do you deny the physical world as an “illusion” or simply treat it as another layer of reality?

My Response: You are very articulate and if you haven’t already considered it you may want to look into writing. I sense you are a “deep” individual which makes the connection, for me, to you, very easy. I enjoy reading your words very much.

I explain here to our young searcher how having come to my own awakening I wrote a book titled On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose and similarities I discovered to other modern and ancient spiritual icons…
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the book is the “knowing” (as I call it) that came to me that is so consistent with so much of almost all “mystical” philosophies the world over. All of them look at the inner divinity and timelessness of our existence. Even Joseph Smith (Mormon Prophet) spoke of man as “becoming gods.” In any case the stark awakening I underwent continues to be revealing to me in the sense that I had never read or researched any of these other belief systems and all of a sudden I am getting downloaded with essentially everything that has been understood by a few over thousands of years of human history.
I continue to be amazed at the similarities between what I wrote as brand new material and what has been known by great spiritual icons throughout time. The book also directly answers the question you asked to much greater detail than I will share here. I highly recommend it to you and would love your comments after reading it. In fact, I would consider it an honor. Here is the link to amazon where you can find it; If you haven’t already you can check out my website as well; . Something I have on the site you might enjoy and I would love to have you participate in is the ability for those who come to the site to respond to the various pages and information by adding their own thoughts on the subjects they are interested in. If the comments you share are appropriate for the site I will actually create a page on the site that is credited to you and which others can comment. You should take a look and like I said I would love to here some of your thoughts on the site.
Now for the answer to your question:
“My question to you is, do you deny the physical world as an “illusion” or simply treat it as another layer of reality?”
One of the main themes in my book is that “we live in an illusion.” The illusion is the result of conditioning we undergo from the very beginning of our lives. We are literally taught what to be aware of by family, schools, churches, realities, etc., and in so doing we lose what we came to earth with, which is the awareness of gods. We are infinite beings (infinite in some form or another) and this earth life is a very finite reality. What has happened is that in our finite “human-ness” we try to put boundaries around our infinite selves. We have to stop doing that in order to begin to see how incredible we are in an “infinite sense.” Very, very hard to do because of the conditioning we undergo from birth. 
In essence we if we could see the world through unconditioned eyes (eyes that say this is what you should see) it would blow your mind and in such a moment you would comprehend the world in ways indescribable using our limited languages. I can’t describe to you what it is but I can assure you, you can have this kind of awakening in your life. You’ll know it when you see it.
Thanks, again. Have a great day!
I will share more tomorrow.

The Well–Being of Being Well

Well-being is the physical, mental and spiritual health of an individual.  These three aspects combine to make up life as we know it.

We typically consider well-being to be a harmonic balance between the physical health and strength of our bodies, coupled with the mental nature of our character and ego and the spiritual essence of our nature.  It is true that all of these things in harmony create a certain kind of life, but it does not address those with physical disabilities, unsound minds and poor mental health, or the spiritually bereft.  Yet all of these aspects of the human condition exist on a wide scale in every civilization.

What then is well-being to the physically handicapped, the mentally ill or the spiritually bereft?

It is easy to speak of for those who do not have diminished capacity in any of the areas mentioned above but for them, they are not likely to have a theory or concept of well-being and certainly not in the area of their own diminished capacity.  Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries of our existence is that a so-called benevolent God allows such conditions to exist in the world.

What is the value to humankind that people suffer in such ways?  To quote from the book of “On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose,” we are told, “We are the good that we love, the evil we hate, the darkness we fear, the light that gives hope.  We are all things, people, places we imagine or cannot imagine.  We are all thoughts and forms and are endowed with power to create the good we cherish or the evil we despise in this existence.  We are the beauty that loves and the ugliness that hates.  We are the then, the now, and the yet to be simultaneously in a never-ending, timeless sea of infinite life.”

What this means is that our very existence, regardless of our condition – be it physical, mental or spiritual, is well being.  We are not shaped by definition.  How can we be?   Those who are incapable of creating a definition of their place in life are equally apart of life!

We, who are supposedly “well”, are not better than those who are not.  It is our insatiable need to define states (mental activity) that create the division between those we say “have” and those we say “have not”!

To quote again from “On Being God – Beyond Your Life’s Purpose,” “Everything in existence is equal.”  There is no difference between any human and the soil they stand on, the objects they observe or the things they believe.

Life is Well-Being!  Whatever your state or capacity, do not be a judge of life, simply, Be Life!

How Real is Your Illusion??

Take this simple test of awareness to determine how comprehensive and strong your illusion of life really is.

If everything as you now know it was washed away completely and you could reconstruct your life any way you chose, either completely or partially, what would your new life look like? Answer the questions below honestly and thoughtfully.

How would you be living?  Would you change anything about your current living conditions?

What kind of work would you be doing?  What would your career path look like, what employment positions would you hold and how would your salary be different from what it is,etc?  What would you like your credentials to be as far as accomplishments, affiliations, colleges or universities, grades and other forms of recognition and status?

What would government look like, both nationally and locally, in your newly constructed reality?

How would you change or alter the schools, both for you or any children you have?  What would your educational background look like?

Would you travel more?  How would you travel and where would you travel to?

What would you look like?  Would you change anything about your looks, health, fitness level, weight, ethnicity, color, etc?  What kinds of foods would you prepare for yourself and your family?  Would you eat out more?  How would you dress?

What things would you do that you don’t do now? What things would you stop doing that you are doing now?

How would you define “American dream” (if you’re an American)?  Are you now living your dream or would you alter things to achieve it?  What would be different in that dream from what you have now?

How would you define prosperity, success or failure in this new reality?

Now take a moment to ponder the things you have changed or altered.  How are they different from the way things are now?  This is important because most who answer these questions will have created for themselves bigger and better versions of what they already have.  If what you have answered are extensions of what already is or enforcement to make things better, as you see it, then the illusion you have is deeply rooted and the reality you accept is very limited in its scope or range of possibilities. Most people’s illusions, by the way, are.

It is typical to see things that are as all there is to choose from. For instance, some may have thought about a bigger house with more rooms, bigger kitchen, etc. which is nothing more than a bigger or better version of what they are already living in. This is very typical and many self-help teachers will lead us in that direction as if wanting bigger and better versions of what we already have is where we should direct our thinking and emotional energy.  It is difficult to imagine anything outside of or beyond what we know or have been conditioned to accept as all there is.

Go back and look at the questions again and try to answer them without making extensions of what already is, or without having bigger or better of what you already have.  Be very creative. Even abstract and silly. Try to imagine outside of what you know or think you know.  Are bigger and better versions of what we already have really all there is in an infinite universe of which we are the creative center? You will begin to break free of the illusion you accept the more you imagine a world and life that doesn’t look anything like what we see now.

Break free of the illusion of this reality and your awareness of the infinite expands. The more your awareness expands, the freer you become.

Good Luck!

The Frequency of WOW!!

Children experience “wow” constantly. Everything is big and wonderful but as they are conditioned, by parents, teachers and other influential people in their lives, over and over, the “wows” become fewer and farther between. We are reminded by Jesus to be as little children not because they are so sweet and innocent (which, by the way, they are) but because they are so much more aware. Their awareness of the world is not limited to the narrow perspective we develop as, so called, conscious beings. As adults we often become annoyed at the frequent questioning of “why” little children seem to be asking constantly and about everything they see. They really are not asking “why” to understand “why” as we tend to think about it rather they are asking “why” this doesn’t seem to matter as much to you as it does to me. If you consider the things that matter as adults it becomes clear that we have lost a lot, if not all, of the sense of wonder and awareness little children have.

Where did it go? What happens to us is what we are doing to them!! Children have an incredible sense of awareness and seem to be in awe of everything that goes on. In fact, we can look back and remember very special times in our lives where some event, circumstance or activity seemed to enliven every fiber of our being and just thinking about it gives us chills. What happens to this sense of awe and wonder?

We are born into this world with a heightened awareness that, from the moment of birth, is transformed into another kind of awareness. It is the awareness all of us are conditioned to view the world as and it is not the awareness we had as children. What we had as children is conditioned out of us by those who have had it conditioned out of them.

Have you ever returned to your childhood elementary school, home or some other place that you remember so vividly as a big and wondrous place only to find it small and nowhere near as awesome as you remembered it? What happened? In essence you grew up but more dramatically your awareness of the world went from wonder and awe to “as an adult here is what is important.” Our conditioning takes us from an awareness of complete wonder and awe to a false sense of what is important in the world and in our lives.

Jesus’ admonition to be as little children was a reminder to each of us to get back to the sense of awareness, the sense of awe and amazement we all once experienced as little children and give up the conditioning that has replaced it. Imagine how fun the world would be if we didn’t put careers, education, politics, affiliations and all the other things we consider to be so important, ahead of the sheer wonder of being alive in an incredibly wondrous world that is so rich and full of fun and beauty we, like children, can’t get enough of it and it never stops being big and wonderful. Being like little children is having the awareness of wonder, awe and fascination of every aspect of life not complicated by the conditioning that most adults consider important.

“Be as little children” was a challenge to adults not to be innocent, but to have the awareness we have all experienced as little children! The child is the parent of the adult. We all know what it was like to be a child and how incredible everything was in that world. When we go back to sensing reality in that way what we now see as important becomes less so.
The illusion we now experience as adults is just that – an illusion that only has significance because we have been conditioned to view it that way.

The things we see as important, as adults are not. The awareness we had as children is!
Change your awareness to that of a child and the “now” becomes “WOW!!”

Want to change your “frequency of WOW?” Change your awareness of now to the awareness of “how” you once were. Find your inner child and WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!!

How do you define awareness?

How clear do you think your perception of life really is? We are really two people happening all at once, e.g., the egotistically created self and the self we came to earth with that is almost always in conflict with the other. Tell me what you think controls your life. Your ego or the person you were before you got here. I’d love to hear. Please see my website at; http// Namaste

So how do you define awarenes? I’d love your thoughts

Now Versus Then

Chronological time is a great deceiver in perceiving the the future relative to the past or present. As humans, living in three dimensional time and space,we have come to accept that the events of our lives occur on a continuum and that somehow we must categorize the past in such a way that it flows seamlessly into the future. In fact it might be said that the events of the past lead to the events of the future. In truth they do not. Time is a point not a line. There is no chronological time when it comes to life and living. The only place of “time” in our existence is now; this very instant. In this instant we control everything in our lives and we have power to change anything past or future. Power is in the present! Altering the past or knowing the future is nothing compared to the creative power we possess at this very moment, however, to say moment implies a time continuum that locks us in time. Perhaps the better way to express or think about time is as a sequence of chronological events.

Time in and of itself does not exist. It is nothing more than a mental construct designed to allow referencing and sequential order to the events and circumstances of our lives. In reality the point at which an event occurs is of no consequence to the actual event itself. In other words “it doesn’t matter “when” an event happened as much as that “it” happened in the first place.” The time or sequence of an event adds no value to the event in terms of it’s effect on us. It is only the point at which we experience something that it has any effect on us and at that very moment time, as we have come to think of it, has stopped. In fact, not only has it stopped it has ceased to exist at all.

Our need to find sequencing and factor time into our reality only pulls us backward or forward and away from “all” there is and all there will ever be, which is right now. If you look at the events of your life on an infinite scale where does time come into it? It can’t because on an infinite scale time is completely irrelevent.

It is the mind of man, the ego, that needs referencing of time and as a result the mind catalogs the events of our lives in such a way that we can reconstruct our history in an endless effort to find meaning, purpose and cause for everything that has occurred and to explain why we are the way we are. Time is part of our illusion. It’s trap is to tie us to the past in a way that makes us think that from the past comes the future or that without knowledge of it we are doomed to repeat it. In both cases it is part of an eloborate illusion our egocentric minds have devised to keep us from the power that exists in the present.

Now is all that matters. Now has no ties to the past and no concerns about the future. Staying as fully present and in the now as possible is the only way to know the inner self and to find our divine nature. Divinity knows not time. You are a god regardless of what has happened in the past or what might happen in the future.

The power of gods resides right here right now. Be still, feel the now and know that god is within you.

The Assignment of Roles to God

From the beginning of recorded time humans have looked outward for a force greater than themselves. In the process of identifying or defining the Gods “out there” somewhere in “yonder heavens” these gods have taken on strangely human characteristics which, in most cases, have not only been extensions of the illusions of the time but are only unique in their size and quantity. In other words the characteristics assigned to God are just bigger and better versions of the nature of the humans who have created them. It is as if in our limited thinking or limited language we can only come up with enhancements of what we already know and what we know is what we (as humans) are.

Somehow the characteristics of gods are very human characteristics only amplified because we are limited by the illusions about life we have been brought up with and have adopted in a very strong way. The greatest illusion we accept, however, is that god is so big, wondrous and vast that we, as humans, have no possibility whatsoever, of becoming anything like him. It is from this illusion that humans have adopted a “less then” attitude about themselves. We hear often in the dogmatic teachings of many religious leaders of times past and present that we are all sinners and have need of repentance and mercy that a kind and loving God can exact upon us. It is blasphemous to accept any notion that we are somehow without sin.

What a sad state we have come to accept. Our illusions of reality have crippled us into believing that not only are we not divine, as our gods are, but that in our lowly states we will never be able to escape that lowliness. In the time of Jesus, he taught that He and His Father were one and the same. In other words he professed that his nature was that of God’s and in so stating he was accused of blasphemy. In fact, it was for this reason that he was eventually crucified. Through the years we have altered Jesus’ meaning to be that He and His Father were gods but that only He and His Father are and can be gods. Sadly this has become part of the great myth of our times and a significant part of the illusion of life we accept.

Jesus really meant that He and His Father were one and the same but what is lost from His description is that he was referring to his own god and that like him we all can be one with our god just as he was with his. He was not proclaiming a god out there in the heavens that he was uniquely qualified to know and be a part of. He was proclaiming that within each of us lies the Kingdom of Heaven and that God, our god, dwells there and nowhere else. In other words, “We Are Gods!” this was the message of Jesus, Buddha and so many other great spiritual leaders of the past. God does not dwell in “yonder heavens,” rather he or she dwells within us and is uniquely ours. Jesus, Buddha and so many others taught that the greatness of any god we place “out there” really exists within each of us and that our greatest opportunity should be in finding “that place” within where he or she dwells. Look no more to the heavens above but look to the “I AM” that dwells within and there you will find god, power and all that you need in this life or any other. I cannot emphasize it strongly enough that “We are the gods we seek” and that any roles we assign to them are the result of an errant illusion we have been taught to believe from the very beginning of our lives no matter where or when we were born.

Our reason, our illusion has created a God that must have the same roles we have as humans. Such roles consist of Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, Vengeful, Compassionate, Jealous, Powerful, Kind, Angry, etc., etc. The list goes on and on and if we look carefully all of these characteristics are human characteristics. Remove these human roles from God and what is left?? Nothing!! But that is how it should be. There is no god above us or below us. Our illusion has created a God that must be bigger and better than us so that we can never escape the idea that someone is above us, caring, judging and condemning us as an entity, whose role (Father, Mother, etc.) we have assigned, might deal with us. We have assigned these roles to a God who does not exist and have subjected ourselves to the judgments of that make believe God!!!!

Perhaps the most significant teaching of Jesus was to not judge others or anything. He stressed this over and over to those who listened to him. He noted that even He could not judge and that it was given to all of us to forgive our fellow man for whatever slight we felt they inflicted upon us. Jesus knew his own godliness and refused to judge anyone of anything. Gods do not judge…..EVER! Judging is part of the human condition, the illusion we accept and an act of ego hanging on to its illusion of the world and Jesus taught us to relinquish that part of us. In fact he taught us to relinquish egoic characteristics as the only way to reach the god who dwells within us. If God is non-judgmental then he cannot have a role in our lives.
Godlike power comes to us when we come to realize that outside things, events, or circumstances do not matter. Outside things are only a small part of our eternal existence and they only matter to the egoic nature we have spent a lifetime to construct. In fact, if you find yourself in any emotional state because of something that happened out there in the world it is a sure sign of egoic dominance in your life. Let go of it and like the Lilies of the field all will be taken care of. Those who have truly found God have found themselves and are no longer subjected to the voices of ego. Ego is a deceiver. Gods are not! You are god but you must find that part of you yourself. Life is an individual responsibility. Finding God belongs to you and you alone. Step outside any roles you have assigned to God and what you will find is uniquely your own inner heaven and we all know “Heaven is where god dwells.”