Do not resolve to do anything that puts you at odd with your humanness. That is, accept what you are and embrace only that without any of the filters you view life through. Choosing “you,” as is, unfiltered in any way, is reintroducing “you” to the undefined you, the real YOU. It is the only way to experience experience.
Spirituality is present moment awareness. It is not what you’re thinking about what you’re doing when you’re doing it, but just being present with whatever you are doing. Do you see? The application of how the moment, e.g., “what is happening,” is “spiritual,” undoes any possibility of spirituality.
Spirituality contains not a single thought of “spirituality” during any activity. In other words, the entire engagement with the doing puts your mind on hold, your body at ease, and “doing” a “not-doing” for any other reason than you are doing it. It’s uplifting to experience “experience” without a narrative. Seriously!
Hypocrisy subtly shows itself as your reaction to someone else doing what you would never do for their reasons but militantly and aggressively doing it for your own. It is easy to bury your emotional turbulence in the face of others showing theirs. Neither softens the blow of indignation.
Love will do that, but love cannot exclude those “others” you mask your hypocrisy behind. They are you. You are them. Love for “you” has never been needed more. There is beauty present right now. Can you see it?
There is no such thing as spiritual mastery, and your pursuit of it only puts you at odds with the human experience you’re supposed to have. Too many of us hinge our lives on things happening that overwhelm our beliefs and security and shock our senses, then complain that life is too much (take the constant blather of how awful the year (current year) has been, for example).
Nothing goes “wrong” in human experience except for your idea of how it’s supposed to be, and that “idea” is the foundation of all spiritual ideology and the source of frustrating pursuits that never yield the “mastery” you seek.
Mastery of life is living this moment without conflict with what you think it should look like. In other words, don’t be at odds with what is happening or with those who think “what is happening” is what should or shouldn’t be happening. They’re as nutty as you are! Love nuts and enjoy each moment with them. Doing so will never be “mastery,” but it will be spiritual.
The motive force of all creatures, including humans, is survival. However, humans have an evolutionary nuance that allows them to make up what they consider essential to survival. Do you see?
All the stuff humans make up about human existence is also all they find wrong with it. You came here with nothing, and you will leave with nothing, and everything you uphold, believe, and gather between arrival and departure is nothing.
You have so little time to experience this miracle of life that anything you wrap yourself up in as important blinds you to its treasure. Living requires no opinion, causes, or inventory whatsoever. You know how to live. Stop listening to all the babble humans make up about how to do so! You’ve got this.
Self-debasing at any level is driven by the stories you tell of its beginnings. Do you see? Stories fuel a protracted struggle to reach an arbitrary level taught and believed must be achieved to overcome your “less-than-ness” caused by something that no longer exists in reality. But the telling of the stories never seems to stop. Isn’t what you should do obvious?
Any story you tell of you is not you. It is fiction’s invasion of you now and now, regardless of any idea you attach to it, is perfection only someone without any story can experience. Don’t waste “now” with anything that isn’t, and your story, no matter how grand or horrific, “isn’t.”
YOU are perfect now; it is the only place or time you will be. So, right now seems like an excellent place to begin your perfect reality.
Everything is as it is; no one can refute or change that. However, humans have spent thousands, if not millions of years, struggling against it, and for what? Humans have reasoned that we can improve what we have failed to see. We’ve concluded that we’re smarter than the creation that allowed us to experience the created; thus, in our hubris, “we will fix it.” Do you see the arrogance?
If you are on any side of “fixing” the world or anyone/anything in it, you are the problem, not its solution. Humility does not exist in the noise of the crowd. No, not even yours. However, humility is the only peace on Earth you will ever experience.
The simple answer to life’s mysteries is “I don’t know,” but not knowing in no way affects your experience. It might even add some “peace” you had not seen before.
What you believe is coming to you or that you think you are going to is ego luring you into a hole that the past has already dug. Anywhere but here is where ego wants you to be, and sadly, most are “anywhere but here.”
As wise ones have said, the ground you stand on now is “holy ground.” Solid, firm, and real. Will you undermine it with yesterday’s unfulfilled expectations or tomorrow’s dreams of what isn’t? Stand where you are and be present. Nothing is more evident than “now,” and you can always deal with that!
YOU the CREATOR- The Unchangeable Change
What we like to call change, for most of us, is really an adding of layers to the onion rather than removing them. We tell ourselves “let me do this, accomplish that or go here instead of where I am, and everything will be better.” It won’t; please get that!
Most of us are full of layers that are little more than avoidance of real-life experiences we find ourselves in. We believe that we can change our circumstances simply by running from them and that, somehow, will unravel us but really it just winds us up even tighter.
What you don’t experience fully becomes the nature of your experience even when you think you have changed. What you don’t take care of now becomes a layer; a full-length overcoat that is heavy and burdensome!
Get good with where you are; be honest with it and never let yourself be fooled into believing you are not its creator. You can run from creation, but you can never run from yourself, e.g., “the Creator.” Live where you are because “where you are” is the only place life exists.
When we stop talking to ourselves we open ourselves to the vaults of eternity and the understanding of men, which can only be understood three dimensionally, gives way to knowing that is not of this world but of the infinity of which it is only a part. The language of infinity is silence and the sweetness of knowing, as the gods know, is simply known. There is no describing it in three dimensional terms, thus no reason for talking and explanation. Metaphorically, we need to see with our ears and to hear with our eyes that which can only come from an unspoken language we all know but have simply drowned out in the language of everyday life. The greater part of understanding is that which cannot be comprehended or explained by the languages we speak! When we stop talking to ourselves and silence the noise of language and thinking we become the receptors of understanding and knowing that descends upon us from the vast stores of the universe from which there is no beginning or ending.
We are literally a part of everything we see and don’t see in this universe. We are inextricably connected at a deep level to all that is, was, or will ever be. In fact, to say that we are connected to all that was, is or will be is a great example of the limitation of our languages. Past and future do not exist and cannot be a part of the now that we find ourselves in! We carry the past with us in our minds and the future we fantasize about but they are nonexistent and our language is remiss to give a concept of that. Instead we devise languages that gives them meaning and place in our limited understanding and we are forever trying to reconcile nonexistence with existence. They are both without meaning except to the mind that has quieted itself and the inner god who knows all things on some other level that cannot be put into to the words of language as we know it. Our existence is truly profound when we give up viewing it in the confinement of our own illusions that are constantly reinforced by our talking and thinking. Sometimes in the quiet stillness of the mind all that is simply is and that is all the knowing we need. At the energetic level everything just is!
The God of the Old Testaments stated, “I am the same yesterday, today and forever.” It might be better said “I am yesterday, today and forever.” There are no distinctions between past, present and future in the realm of knowing quiet, distilled truth and all of us at one time or another have felt the peace that comes in that knowing. It settles upon us like mist and completely engulfs our mind and soul with an awareness that is unexplainable. Space and time lose their meaning at such times. Knowing is the most sublime dimension and it operates outside space and time as our language has described it. Knowing is the only place gods could ever make the statement that they are yesterday, today and forever because in such a place time and space have no bounds. They don’t exist. Three dimensional physics hold no ties to the infinite possibilities of knowing.
In the realm of gods there is no language of time or space. There isn’t a language of understanding that wrests our thinking and talking from an endless pursuit to comprehend everything three dimensionally. Gods know all things exist inside the present moment and whether we judge those things good or evil is of no consequence in infinity. The space between the past and now or the future and now are nothing more than shadows. Shadows of things we create and put there to fill a void. A void that does not exist in infinity; A void of our own making. There is no life past or life future. It all is happening now, in the present and we don’t need to understand it! We don’t need a historical context or three dimensional perspectives. The energy of life exists always and has never been disconnected in any way to time past or time future. There are no voids in space or time! The energy of life is always teeming and present and it permeates every construct we have created to define it in three dimensional terms. Energy is everywhere and energy is life! All that we think we were or will be is all happening now and only in this now can we know what gods know! In this present moment where the world has stopped, we as ageless existence, witness our oneness with it. It cannot be comprehended nor need it be. Our oneness with it transcends comprehension of the mind and simply makes us it!
We are the good that we love, the evil we hate, the darkness we fear, the light that gives hope. We are all things, people, places we imagine or cannot imagine. We are all thoughts and forms and are endowed with power to create the good we cherish or the evil we despise in this existence. We are the beauty that loves and the ugliness that hates. We are the then, the now, and the yet to be simultaneously in a never-ending timeless sea of infinite life. We are receptors of every form of energy that surrounds us continuously and endlessly and while we do not have a language, in this reality, that can accurately describe everything that is going on around us we do have a language, not of words and expressions, that communicates to us clearly that with everything in the universe we are a part! We are being spoken to by infinity every single moment of our lives and all we need to do is stop, be still and listen and in waves of indescribable beauty it pours into us.
The spectrum of time and space leaves us wondering for the “how” of all things. Our egoic minds want to know order, chronology and placement in the reality we have created. We crave this knowing and want our language to describe it to us so we understand in relationship to our reality.
Instead of feeling the wonder of existence and our oneness with it we want to define it, thus diluting it in finite reason and dogmatic conjecture. We search for definitions and descriptions where none are needed nor will we ever be able to develop a language that could ever give adequate meaning to the spectacle of this infinite universe we are all a part of. We must leave the norms we have come to accept and step outside time and space to ever be able to know as the gods all the mysteries we seek to know and describe. Leaving the spectrum of time and space leaves us in absolute awe of everything. Good is evil and evil is good. It all just is. We breathe all of it in and embrace it as what we are, without judgment and without question, historical context or analysis of any kind. Only acceptance and love. Not the love that ties us to anyone or anything, but the pure love that holds no boundary. No limits. No emotion. Energetic love that exist in all things, at all times and in all places.
We have no words, no thoughts, no thinking. Ego has blended into everything else and all struggles have ceased. We have no arguments. The existence of every act, thought or thing is us as we are it.
Existence fills our bodies as our bodies fill existence. All that is, is known to us because we are the knowing. The seeker no longer seeks for that which is not understood. Knowing requires no understanding. “All is.” We are the “all” that “is”. Knowing simply rests upon us and it requires no words or expressions or thoughts or thinking to give it place in our existence. It fills us with wonder and awe that has no expression. In the quietness of mind knowing finds a place within where it instills itself and in that instant we know God for she is us and we are her.
“Be still and know the knowing.” “You are god and in stillness she will find you.”
Adapted from the book: On Being God-Beyond Your Life’s Purpose!