The present IS the destination. There is nothing before or beyond YOU now, as is.
What you think “is” is proportional to what (actually) is. In other words, the more you think about what is, the less there is. Thinking is a dimmer switch that reduces awareness. Being “full-on” (aware) in every case happens when you are not thinking.
Verbalizing what you are, e.g., sensitive, strong, confident, fearless, kind, spiritual, etc.,” is not a revelation of what you are. It’s a revelation of what you are not, and you have a better chance of pulling off what you are not by not speaking about what you want others to believe you are. Ultimately, you need no definition. Without the slightest characterization of your thoughts of you, YOU could not be more indescribable. Quietly know that.
Everything you think, know or say is only symbolic of what is real. Do you see? Language is a way to compress what is real into generalized chunks of information we can comprehend, store, alter, bias, etc., and, later, articulate (symbolism). It is not the “whole” of reality. You do not have the sensory equipment to comprehend the whole. No one does, so be careful with what you articulate as absolute and kind to those who do. They know not what they know.” Again, no one does.
Carl’s Nutshells
The reality you imagine for your future can never happen as you imagine it simply because what you feel now is implanted into what you imagine the future to be, and that is impossible to know. Do you see, you can’t take what you “feel” into the future, which alone negates any future you imagine. In other words, “NOW” only works now! Be present; the future does not exist, but YOU, “NOW,” do!
What is it about you that thinks there is so much more to experience than what you experience right now? Find out what that is, and you will never want anything again. You may even gasp at what has always been right before you.
Do you know what it’s like when you’re there? You know that “there” we all search for? It feels like right now, right here, and if it doesn’t, and you’re still thinking about there, you will never get there. “There” isn’t anywhere, but “here” now is. In other words, going “there” is simply being “here.” See you there 😊
The gateway to never-ending ignorance is what you know and, worse, what you think. An open mind has no initial premise and none after giving clear and deliberate thought, meaning an “open mind” is always empty.
The most extraordinary awareness you can experience occurs without any thought of it. The absence of thought gives birth to the seen and unseen, and neither is imaginable. “Be Still.”