
Thoughts will never outrun the pace of life. We cannot think our way to better-ness because, right now, no such thing exists. YOU stand at the center of all that is, and with YOU, at the center, nothing could be more grand or powerful. Embracing life, that is, what you experience right now, will get you further than anything you can think otherwise. Life is, after all, YOU!


If you constantly look down the road for the good you have convinced yourself doesn’t exist, you miss the good that is right here, right now. The “good” you seek will always elude you because beauty can only live where you are and not where you want to be. Pull over now and enjoy your unique and present self.     


You create a “virtual reality” whenever you think, wish, hope, dream, or desire how things should be. Do you see? “What is” is without thought of any kind and is entirely unalterable because you think it should be “other” than it is. There is nothing “real” about “virtual.” There is only experience of which you are the critical component. Nothing more is needed (especially your thoughts) to experience the real; nothing “virtual” will compare. Get out of your mind.


If you don’t alter your view of the world, any world you seek to change will never be satisfactory. In other words, what you think needs changing is what you don’t see. What you don’t see is you!  


We are not “becoming.” There is nothing to learn, achieve or grow into here in human form. We are God’s first, last, and eternally having this incredible experience as humans. Embrace your human form, and live as best you can, but never let its identity convince you that you must work to become something that already is. You’re not in Earth school. YOU (oh human) are schooling Earth.  


Everything we do, every event, circumstance, or activity, is a brush with life. It is all rich and wonderful. What we choose is unimportant. Get on with living and stop worrying about making right or wrong choices. You cannot make a wrong choice in an infinite life. In infinity, you have the opportunity to make them all.


Your reality does not happen behind you or in front of you. Do you see? Your mind is the traveler, and its travel is always to the past or the future, both of which do not exist and therefore are not real. Seriously when does anything “real” happen? You know the answer; it’s NOW, in this present moment! Why would you go anywhere else?    


We cannot know what the universe won’t divulge, which is everything, especially what we think we know, which is made up or theorized. All you can “know” is what YOU are within the cosmic soup with no recipe. The best place to start on a quest to know what YOU are is to divest everything you think you know (literally everything)”. What you know is the artificial and chemical additives to an already tasty, healthy entrée, AKA YOU.