
What is it about you, me, or anyone who thinks there is something more to life than what is right now? Shallow experience is what you think about, while the only thing you can experience is what’s happening now. Do you see? Reality never carries the seeds of thoughts, contemplation of what might come later, or comparisons to what has passed. Only humans do that and, in so doing, replace “what is” with the thoughtful, dull, repetitious drone of “what isn’t.”

Lose yourself to silence and quietly watch the magic appear. Actually, it won’t appear; you’ll simply recognize what is always there but hidden behind the clutter of thoughts. You don’t need “more” in life; you need less of what you “think” it should be.


You have the answers, yet you cram for the test as if they will magically change just as you are about to answer them. You ace the test and feel the relief of knowing just what needs to be said to satisfy the test-giver but still don’t know what you thought you would, so by all means, cram some more. There’s another test just ahead. “Cram” information into your head about experiencing life, and all you gain is information that draws you away from actually experiencing it. Do you see? The manual for living has never been written and never will be. You “write” as you go, but you’ll never be tested because life cannot fail, no matter how much you cram for it.

Let the words of your experience disappear so that each moment contains a blank page on which you will write anew, a life whose only expression is wonder and awe. You won’t be tested, but what you experience will be “crammed” full.


We are not “becoming.” There is nothing to learn, achieve or grow into here in human form. We are God’s first, last, and eternally having this incredible experience as humans. Embrace your human form, and live as best you can, but never let its identity convince you that you must work to become something that already is. You’re not in Earth school. YOU (oh human) are schooling Earth.