
Is a rose any more or less beautiful because you or anyone else thinks so? NO! Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, as we often hear. Beauty “is” without any thought you or anyone gives it. Oh, and by the way, there’s much more beauty than you think. Stop thinking and see for yourself!    


Don’t dismiss life with statements such as, “There’s nothing I can do about this, or I must learn from that, ” etc. Such statements are spiritual gobbledygook and an apathetic way to allow suffering, which is likely what you want anyway. YOU are life itself, and nothing exists without your experience of it. In other words, when it comes to life, you are smack in it regardless of what you are experiencing. Ultimately, life is living you, not the other way around. Give it all you’ve got with the exception of what you think it should be!    


Do not replace what you think you are with something someone else says you should be. What you “think” and what others think is an indulgence of ego (yours or theirs) that seeks to “fit” where it can’t. Finding “what you are” requires not a single thought nor any form of ego (which is all thought and imagination). What YOU are precedes ego, and ego is not allowed in the hallowed ground of YOU! Get out of your mind.   


Don’t complain about what you think makes you a victim. If anything, complain about yourself finding the time to give a shit! Stop giving a shit! You’re not a victim unless you, all by yourself, make it so.  


Take a deep breath and hold it. Now ponder for a moment that you and only you could breathe the breath you are holding. No one, no thing, will ever know what you know at this moment; this fully breathed, but breathless moment is all there is. You alone are life. Exhale…


Are you living life or are you looking for reasons (messages) in the things you experience (live)? I hope it’s “living.”


If your lips are movin’, your ego is groovin’. Everything you say, regardless of eloquence, beauty, or intent, is ego. Even what you write, think, or dream is ego. Now, when you get this, once and for all, you will begin to see the miracle of everything instead of the narrow interpretation your ego allows. Speaking and thinking less broadens awareness.


Time is always moving forward or backward, and its pull (on the present) is relentless. The pace of time increases the more we are out of sync with the stillness of now. In the place of “no time,” all is known, and the hectic pace of life ceases to exist. Get some “no time” today.


No part of your story is missing, ever! Every breath you take is an incalculable miracle nothing in the universe can ever match or experience.  


“Who (or what) YOU are” has never cared what you think you are. It always rests in the quiet awareness that no thought, no possible idea of your greatness could even come close to that otherness that uniquely is YOU. No more thinking about who you are. We can’t imagine anything that big.