A leads to B, C, D, etc., the causal world we are told to live in and accept. However, such a world is also the basis for “I am not responsible for my life.” In other words, someone or something pressing on me caused it to happen, and “I” therefore need not accept what happens as something I willingly accept as the experience I am seeking. WRONG! A, B, C, and D all exist simultaneously with “you” in realms you cannot begin to comprehend in human form, making you the non-caused effect of all that is. Do you see? A B, C, and D do not exist before your experience of yourself, so nothing “presses” on you that isn’t already YOU.
Lose the thinking and vocabulary of “to me,” e.g., “why, is this happening to me,” or “this shouldn’t be happening to me, etc., etc.” In time, you will know that all that happens is YOU, being you in a non-causal experience. The “effects” of which are nothing but YOU, albeit incredible!
We think we know, but we don’t. About what? About everything or anything. Your learning, culture, ethnicity, faith, family, invention, and on and on are not the boon to peace, raised consciousness, or awareness you or the world seek. Remember a time in your life, and thus common human experience, when nothing was known, and only then was there the awareness that comes with a deep connection to silence. It is the silence of not knowing. It is the silence of nothing showing up as everything.
Such silence cannot speak, think, or understand. It merely hears, as if, the voice of Gods illuminating the depths of infinity. Find this silence once again, and you will know, but such “knowing” can never take residence in your mind. It’s worth a visit. Peace, Carl
Your desires connect you to the materiality of your mind, which is attached to the things of the world. In other words, attachments close your eyes to the true nature of “what is” and “what is” is never born of desire. The magic of creation is simply that “what is” is never apart from what YOU are. In other words, the secret to “more” is “desiring” less.
Worry not about the changing world and your place in it. Change is not a spiritual phenomenon that leads to awareness; instead, it is a platform for platitudes that arise out of window dressing and the thrill that comes in moments of rearrangement. In other words, you “changing” will not change anything.
Awareness happens when the norms for seeking it, learning it, and becoming it transforms into “it.” Do you see? “It” already is, and YOU already are, and there are no additions or subtractions to the “change” equations we love to express as necessary to a better world. “Transformation” does not happen one individual at a time, just YOU all the time. Try “it” for a change.
The “moral high ground” is not what you think it is, nor is it the cause or purpose you pursue. If what you pursue does not encompass everyone and everything, then it’s a point of view, and when all you do is point, there is no view. “What YOU are” always sees what is. What you think does not. Get the “point?”
Your greatest limitation, everyone’s that is, is not what you fear but what you believe. Beliefs are an assault on any possibility of being present, and the filter straining out the real so that the unreal (beliefs) remains intact. Clarity is clear, and what you hold in your mind, believe, or don’t believe, think possible or impossible smudges the window of reality. Awareness is only known through optics without the taint and dinge of what your mind wants you to believe is.
Lose them (beliefs), and the window’s new transparency lets in new light that exposes any fear as a shackle to living more abundantly. I promise, then again, don’t “believe” a word I say!
What you think (about anything) will always be limited by what you think. Do you see? The infinite is not containable in thought or any stream of thoughts. Your capacity to fathom the eternal only happens when it is clear that the vibration of “nothing” (the infinite) is the vibration of your mind. In other words, the infinite begets infinity, and that is not something you can know or think about! Lose your mind!
All the virtues humans ascribe to, such as honesty, trust, kindness, joy, caring, etc., are not pursuable, as they are the result of awareness. That is, “what YOU are” underneath all the stuff of human experience and everything you think and believe. Do you see? YOU already are what you seek to become, making the only worthy pursuit in life, if you must have one, knowing YOU, and that knowing will never be achieved from a so-called spiritual journey!
Let “what YOU are” simply BE. All that other stuff will tag along anyway.
Finding “what YOU are” (SELF) is not an intellectual inquiry, even though science, biology, philosophy, psychology, and sociology would have you believe otherwise. None of these identification sources were with you at birth, and none will be with you at death, and yet somehow, you have and will always know there is something beyond the descriptions humans give to life.
Let your mind give way to the “unborn awareness” present with you at birth and continue as YOU in the eternities. Relax into living. No experience can be explained by the educated or inspired, but each breath you take in each moment you live is brushing the eternal YOU. That is, there is no description.
You cannot know or explain the human condition (no one can) until you know your own, and you will never know your own. The only life to-do is your life, and it is in no way, shape, or form applicable to anyone other than you, and it is a twenty-four-seven affair that never takes a break. Get busy; you are all there is, but there is plenty of “you” to-do!