
Spirituality is present moment awareness. It is not what you’re thinking about what you’re doing when you’re doing it, but just being present with whatever you are doing. Do you see? The application of how the moment, e.g., “what is happening,” is “spiritual,” undoes any possibility of spirituality.

Spirituality contains not a single thought of “spirituality” during any activity. In other words, the entire engagement with the doing puts your mind on hold, your body at ease, and “doing” a “not-doing” for any other reason than you are doing it. It’s uplifting to experience “experience” without a narrative. Seriously!


Ego’s outstanding achievement is suppressing the most obvious things you experience and replacing the real with eloquent expression and epistemological description. It is so clever that unfathomable beauty can be right in front of you, and all you will see is ugliness if that happens to be the mood of ego at the moment. Do you see?

The “mood” of ego is its preservation, and it will alter reality to hold its position of dominance over your experience regardless of any impact it may have on your experience. “I see,” you say. “I” is ego and is incapable of seeing the unseen, which is the “obvious,” e.g., beauty.

Beauty exists in every moment, every encounter, and YOU have eyes to know it when your “I’s” are made blind. That is, silent. It’s not so obvious when you think about it, so stop thinking about it!


Personal power is lost to the weaknesses you identify with. That is, “weaknesses” are your story developed to either justify your pursuits to change them, share them as a model to help others or lament the station you describe as your life. Likely, all of the above.

Invest your power in “being” right here, right now, with what is, and give not any of it to a story that eagerly consumes it. You (everyone) stand(s) at the end of the tunnel where only light shines, but it is also “you” (everyone) who turns back and looks into the darkness again and again and again.

Of course, your story is an absolute bestseller, but it is nothing to the story you live each moment. Turn again into the light that only disappeared when you turned away from it. There’s nothing behind you but weakness and fiction. Your life is your presence; NOW! Feel the power!


Hypocrisy subtly shows itself as your reaction to someone else doing what you would never do for their reasons but militantly and aggressively doing it for your own. It is easy to bury your emotional turbulence in the face of others showing theirs. Neither softens the blow of indignation.

Love will do that, but love cannot exclude those “others” you mask your hypocrisy behind. They are you. You are them. Love for “you” has never been needed more. There is beauty present right now. Can you see it?


There is no such thing as spiritual mastery, and your pursuit of it only puts you at odds with the human experience you’re supposed to have. Too many of us hinge our lives on things happening that overwhelm our beliefs and security and shock our senses, then complain that life is too much (take the constant blather of how awful the year (current year) has been, for example).

Nothing goes “wrong” in human experience except for your idea of how it’s supposed to be, and that “idea” is the foundation of all spiritual ideology and the source of frustrating pursuits that never yield the “mastery” you seek.

Mastery of life is living this moment without conflict with what you think it should look like. In other words, don’t be at odds with what is happening or with those who think “what is happening” is what should or shouldn’t be happening. They’re as nutty as you are! Love nuts and enjoy each moment with them. Doing so will never be “mastery,” but it will be spiritual.


Your fixation on improving or learning something in life should go no further than developing to a high degree your ability to experience your experience more fully. You have the perfect playground for developing such skills as well. It’s right here right now without the intellectualization of previous experiences or the confusion of imagined future experiences that do not exist in reality.

In other words, you love what is, and life fills in all the blanks, or you play multiple-choice and live a life where your carefully thought-out, well-reasoned, and meticulously committed to memory guesses are wrong. You won’t fail in either case, but you might experience less stress and much more fun. Just sayin’.

Living by the book or just living. It’s not much of a choice if you don’t think about it, but it’s a monster if you do, So don’t.


The things you cherish cannot be comprehended intellectually, regardless of what they are. You can string eloquent words together, forming profound and beautiful descriptions, but something else tugs on your awareness beyond those descriptions.
It isn’t easy to stay in a state of descriptionless awareness, but you can remain aware that what your mind “thinks” is unimportant folly full of made-up nonsense, all there to keep you from the truly cherished. Shamans call it “controlled folly.” Live as though everything matters, but knowing that what is not or cannot be known on the plain of human experience shakes the foundation of intellect.
Simply, with “mind” (thoughts), you have a lot. Without it, you have infinitely more.


Awareness is seeing exactly “what is” without any thoughts or explanations accompanying it. One who “sees” (is aware) “knows” instantly and is clear before any thought enters into it. In other words, any explanation of “what is” is its undoing.

You could say reverence is the doorway to “knowing” what is that otherwise is unknowable.


The motive force of all creatures, including humans, is survival. However, humans have an evolutionary nuance that allows them to make up what they consider essential to survival. Do you see?
All the stuff humans make up about human existence is also all they find wrong with it. You came here with nothing, and you will leave with nothing, and everything you uphold, believe, and gather between arrival and departure is nothing.
You have so little time to experience this miracle of life that anything you wrap yourself up in as important blinds you to its treasure. Living requires no opinion, causes, or inventory whatsoever. You know how to live. Stop listening to all the babble humans make up about how to do so! You’ve got this.