I can’t help what you believe. However, I can believe in nothing, which opens me to everything believed and not believed by you and everyone else. Mystery lives on without any particular emphasis (belief) that anything real came from a belief in it—just pure surprise.
What you believe is a low and restrictive form of living that clouds “what is” with delusion and fantasy and prevents you from embracing the all-inclusive spectacle that lies before you now. In other words, until you see “what is” right now, you will never see anything real, and your mind will always take over with something “other” to replace it. Believe it or not.
Sadly, humans have reached the point in the three-dimensional experience where, for the majority, “being present” is being in a different and often awkward place. Do you see? We have become so far removed from reality, e.g., “what is, right now,” it’s a surprise when we encounter it.
Yet, paradoxically, presence is always present, and so is the YOU who is only aware of the beauty beneath the chatter in your mind. Do you know who that is? You need to, but your mind is incapable of understanding, so what do you do? Could you turn it (mind) off? In other words, turning off the endless noise of your mind is the ultimate “turn-on.” Wrest your mind from its constant noise-making so that YOU can appear to you.
Your body has the sensory equipment to detect millions of bits of information each second, but your mind (consciousness) can only process maybe forty bits per second. What happens to the rest, and what is held in consciousness and why? When you wake up each morning, where have “you” been? The all-important “I” only appears upon waking up, but where was it, and what was in its place while you slept? The “Self” spoken of by so many spiritual gurus is “what is” while you are asleep and unaware of the conscious self you refer to as “I” while awake.
We speak of expanding consciousness, but your mind is incapable of that. All your mind can do is alter what it is conscious of. In other words, what is it that sleeps without any awareness of body or mind? It is the only question worthy of answering, and only you can do it.
Look at your conscious filters. Does your mind stream information that sounds like a CNN, Fox News, newsreel, a religious sermon, righteous indignation, a political cause, a reality Television show, gossip, video game, etc.? Forty bits of information is all you get unless you rediscover “what YOU are” that silently takes in everything. Since “IT” has no bodily limitations, why would you waste a single bit of conscious information not connecting with IT? Silly question?
YOU are neither subject nor object nor is anything you perceive as a human. YOU do nothing, yet are everything. YOU always enjoys the ride, but “you” may not. This is why it is necessary to override you with YOU. While you are searching for the perfect, end-all ride, YOU will enjoy the ride but never leave the fairground. So are you, you, or YOU?
Humility starts with YOU and ends with love. Do you know YOU? Only “love” knows. Peaceful day, Carl
Knowing what YOU are, or as many gurus label “Self,” you suddenly see with infinite eyes. That is eyes that cease to perceive things as separate from the perceiver without the division created by descriptive language, education, and social and religious background.
Beyond everything you think, know, or believe lies all that cannot be comprehended in such limited descriptions. Knowing what YOU are is the awareness you know nothing, and “nothing” is infinite. Finding YOU is the perfect ride!
The dream, expressed or sought, is not living. Your dream of the world only happens when you are present as it happens, transparent, and entirely free of any aspect of it you wish to change or believe otherwise. For most, transparency manifests as surreptitiousness. If I express my life eloquently enough, attempt to go through the motions I profess, etc., no one will see my hypocrisy.
There is no path to awareness through your mind. There is nothing you can do, think, or say, and nowhere you can go to unmask “what YOU are.” Living your dream is what is right now. Assuming it can or should be something else is “the” only nightmare you will ever encounter. Reality is not about you; it is YOU, and it shows most clearly without the mask. I see YOU; truly amazing!
Be grateful not for what you have but for “what YOU are” that precedes everything long before you could identify with having anything to be thankful for. YOU are the “perceived” but, too, the perceiver. YOU and all that is, is good. Now, gratefulness.
You can act surreptitiously to make your experience appear other than it is, but you live a hell of your own making in doing so. Life passes by those who try to make it what it is not, and what it is not is anything you think, believe, or even know it is.
Unmasking is awakening, which is “awareness” that your finite mind cannot contain the infinite. YOU are ever-present, silent, strong, and without guile, e.g., perfect. What you think is the antithesis of perfection and, thus, your limitation.
Know YOU and all else falls into the fleeting and unimportant, e.g., nothing else matters.
Let go of the narrative that this has been a stressful year. You’re here now, and it is clean, pure, and unsullied by anything you don’t think about. Every moment you live with awareness is unprecedented beyond anything you compare it to from the past or make up about the future.
There are wonders to experience in the most routine and imposing human activities if you detach from those activities and any collective narrative that espouses them. “Know thyself,” and all that’s left is love and mindless abandon that allows the world to show itself in ways you, otherwise, could not fathom. It’s an incredible day; “let go” and enjoy it.