
Nothing new or special is coming your way and for that, be grateful. You have plenty to experience right now at this moment that has never existed before and will never exist again. Give the present your all, and you will never want for anything else. “NOW” is your treasure.


What you plan for is likely to become the object of your frustration. Only because plans become overly important to the mind (you) who creates them, and no plan, no matter how sophisticated, will ever resolve the quirky, unsophisticated ramblings of life unfolding as it does.

Make your plans, but never forget that the only important thing in life is life. That is the life you experience right now, and if that aligns with your “plans,” consider yourself lucky, and if it doesn’t, allow yourself to meander a new side-road full of adventure and surprise.

Nothing you do is important. Knowing what YOU are is. Sometimes, keeping your heart means losing your mind and all its preparations for what may or may not come.


Outside anything thought otherwise, you are the guardian of “otherness” you (and everyone) experience occasionally. However, all that “thinking” you do transforms the guardian into a guard protecting you from otherness and tying you to the world’s logic and routines. Do you see?
The guardian of mystery doesn’t protect you from the unknown. It walks you through it while the guard keeps you tightly locked up and secured from it. Routine and familiarity are not safety. They’re tyranny.
YOU know the way through any prison. It doesn’t require any proclamations or sword-wielding demonstrations of boldness, courage, strength, or bravery. Walk past your guards who sleep in constant noise. Shh, don’t wake them!


You don’t deserve anything in life. “I deserve” puts the responsibility of your life and your experience into the realm of someone or something providing it for you, and it is based on wishes that what is happening is not to “your” liking. Do you see? It is a dominant lament of humans that “living” in and of itself is not enough.
Life, instead, “deserves” everything you can give it without purpose or reason. Your best is the unjudged action you take to live each moment as fully as possible, and “who deserves what” is never a consideration. “I deserve” cancels, “I AM.” YOU create all that is until your mind mucks it up with “I deserve.” Don’t muck it up!


“Things will never be the same.” Let this not be a statement of last year, this year, yesterday, or today! Let it be a statement of now in which YOUR creating creates. Do you see? When present, YOU are unchanged and unchangeable, and all that is is life written in your hands, never forgotten, never remembered.
There is no time now or ever. There is only YOU, spoken in time but inhabiting forever and forever unchanged. All that is emanates from YOU and is sealed in eternity. You cannot change that. Look at your hands. It’s ALL written there.


Do not resolve to do anything that puts you at odd with your humanness. That is, accept what you are and embrace only that without any of the filters you view life through. Choosing “you,” as is, unfiltered in any way, is reintroducing “you” to the undefined you, the real YOU. It is the only way to experience experience.


Everything you believe is a description of something unreal coupled with the addition of hope that “it,” whatever that may be, somehow, is real. In other words, your beliefs are the highway to nowhere and the Fastrack away from what, actually, is real.
You experience the “real” when your explanations, hopes, wishes, and dreams of it cease to enter into any aspect of it. That is, the less you believe, the more real your experience of now will be, and there is nothing quite like a full-on experience of your experience!
Now, don’t “believe” me because that won’t get you there. Just unplug your mind from your experience and take only what you get. That will be enough!


Spirituality is present moment awareness. It is not what you’re thinking about what you’re doing when you’re doing it, but just being present with whatever you are doing. Do you see? The application of how the moment, e.g., “what is happening,” is “spiritual,” undoes any possibility of spirituality.

Spirituality contains not a single thought of “spirituality” during any activity. In other words, the entire engagement with the doing puts your mind on hold, your body at ease, and “doing” a “not-doing” for any other reason than you are doing it. It’s uplifting to experience “experience” without a narrative. Seriously!


Ego’s outstanding achievement is suppressing the most obvious things you experience and replacing the real with eloquent expression and epistemological description. It is so clever that unfathomable beauty can be right in front of you, and all you will see is ugliness if that happens to be the mood of ego at the moment. Do you see?

The “mood” of ego is its preservation, and it will alter reality to hold its position of dominance over your experience regardless of any impact it may have on your experience. “I see,” you say. “I” is ego and is incapable of seeing the unseen, which is the “obvious,” e.g., beauty.

Beauty exists in every moment, every encounter, and YOU have eyes to know it when your “I’s” are made blind. That is, silent. It’s not so obvious when you think about it, so stop thinking about it!


Personal power is lost to the weaknesses you identify with. That is, “weaknesses” are your story developed to either justify your pursuits to change them, share them as a model to help others or lament the station you describe as your life. Likely, all of the above.

Invest your power in “being” right here, right now, with what is, and give not any of it to a story that eagerly consumes it. You (everyone) stand(s) at the end of the tunnel where only light shines, but it is also “you” (everyone) who turns back and looks into the darkness again and again and again.

Of course, your story is an absolute bestseller, but it is nothing to the story you live each moment. Turn again into the light that only disappeared when you turned away from it. There’s nothing behind you but weakness and fiction. Your life is your presence; NOW! Feel the power!