The recommendation to seek only the good forces you to restrict what “good” and its subsequent opposite are, leading to criticisms, boundaries, and division. The outcome of seeking only (fill in the blank) creates your particular categories for defining yourself and others, and in the morass of all your particulars, you make a mess. If you only seek what you have characterized as good, you will fail to see the good others seek and, worse, judge their seeking as anathema to yours.
Your way is not the way. It’s just a way, neither good nor bad, and never, ever, a reason to judge another and lose kindness for those who are no less nor greater than you or anyone else. It is the blending of all the ingredients that makes a perfect bowl of soup. And, yes, you too! Seek the “good” but not just what you demarcate good. That would be too confining and distasteful. Don’t forget the freshly baked bread! Mmm, yummy!
What YOU are cannot be studied, analyzed, defined, described, broken down, and reassembled in a form you think needs to be. Do you see? What you “think” you are is opposed to what YOU actually are, and any human endeavor to understand YOUR infinite nature takes you further from it.
YOU are Gods, dressed as humans, splendid, magnificent, and wonderful, but without any means, physically, mentally, consciously, or spiritually, to know how much more than that YOU are. It’s not worth any effort to “humanly” challenge what can only be “known” when you (the human) accept that “what YOU are” is unknowable by any means human.
The sage instructed, ” Just be still. ” Silence lets what is be “what is,” and while all is still and quiet, the unknowable holds you in its comfort, allowing the infinite to peer inside you. You will never be the same, even though you “know,” but you’ll never know why you know.
To the extent of what you know, you may be right, but can you ever be sure if you don’t know everything there is to know?
Question your “rightness” until you are sure that you know more; infinitely more, which, if you consider it, will never come about because infinity is unfathomable and unknowable. A good practice until you do “know everything” is to say nothing at all as a defense of what you “know.” It will make for more “peace” in your life, too.
Making life work requires an act of love so great that the impossibility of knowing how to do it never prevents you from living it with starry-eyed wonder and amazement. Knowing that you may never know is the only fuel required to make it work, and loving any outcome the joy you experience, having done so. Love your living, and life always works.
Murphy’s law of spirituality: “You reach your level of spiritual incompetence when you think you know what it is.”
You don’t know and never will, but the funny thing about spirituality is that the greater your incompetence, the more fiercely you will hold on to it. Letting go of what you know is how you “know,” but again, you don’t.
There is only one way, and to the chagrin of many, it is not your way, any way, someone’s or everyone’s way! Happily, you’ll know the way when you’re on the way and YOU are always “on the way.” Don’t overthink it!
Happiness is not a derivative of your ability to judge the differences between this or that. It exists regardless of your distinctions but is most apparent when you don’t make any distinctions. Do you see?
It is not possible to dive naked into a pool of water and not get wet. Likewise, happiness is a pool that only asks that you plunge into its depths without judging how wet you will get or what that wetness consists of. Life is swimming; even if you don’t know how to swim, always take the plunge. See you at the pool!
Your spoken or unspoken unworthiness, imperfection, sadness, fear, etc., is your mind’s rejection of what it recognizes but fails to know. That is, “what YOU are,” underneath all the labels you apply to yourself, is pushed aside more fiercely and clung to as the necessary evil of your existence. It is often called suffering.
In other words, your mind is afraid of “what YOU are” to the extent that it accepts and forms lies that virtue and perfection are something you are not. Do you see? Your mind utters judgments because it cannot fathom the impossible, and “what YOU are” is the ‘impossible.”
Without any of your mind-made or human-made labels, what (ultimately) are YOU? You’ll never know if any answer contains even a remnant of those labels. You’re perfect! Don’t believe it; silence your thoughts and “know it.” You (really) can “know.”
Right now, even as you read this, everything tunes out, your focus narrows with only thoughtful concentration as you grasp the words you’re reading, and in the surrounding silence, it is the most simple and non-complex your life will ever be. But only in this moment and just because silence carries bliss, the bliss that is your home.
Awareness is not about focus, paying attention, or thinking. It’s the silence surrounding it. Let the words flow, but listen to the sounds they do not make. Now, smile as you return to your human experience, and thanks for spending a moment with me.