
Remind yourself often that “what YOU are” stepped down to have the “human” experience you are currently having. In other words, “what YOU are” is infinitely more than the human form you occupy. Regardless of what you think, believe, or do, you are always that greater light having this wondrous “human experience.” Regardless of “what is,” YOU transcend it; that is… YOU are God!


“Can life be more meaningful?” the questioner asked. “Don’t you mean that you have some idea of what life can give you that makes you feel better about it?” was the answer.

No part of your experience is happening because you believe it is for your good, bad, or unfolding some purpose you want it to have. You (ego) bring(s) all of that to the party, and what you think is a buzzkill for any party. Regardless of what you experience, YOU are the most incredible show on earth, and while it is all yours, it has nothing to do with anything you “thought” it should be. What you believe “meaningful” isn’t. Living what is, is.


It is often said, “It’s the journey, not the destination,” but it’s neither in reality. Life’s sweetness is, ultimately, in living it. That is living each moment well and impeccably. Do you see? Destinations are conceptual creations of minds that are not content with what’s happening now and distractions from the only place the “real” exists, e.g., right here, right now. The “journey” leads you away from “here and now,” and all “destinations” are imaginary.

Your so-called “higher self” is not waiting for you to “get there” so that your life suddenly turns into something you’ve dreamed of that doesn’t look like your life. YOU are here now, and it is the sweetest place in the universe if your mind is off and your heart is on. Live well, smile, and be your best. You’ll never have to be or do anything else.


Your side, mine, your religion, mine, your politics, mine, your righteousness, mine, etc., are nothing but the context in which you formed your ego, and I formed mine. Do you see? You are right, and I am wrong all because of your context, which I could never have experienced, nor you, mine and in the name of my, impossible to be wrong, rightness and you yours, you, me and everyone can condone and even advocate the most abhorrent behaviors and actions toward fellow human beings.

Some will exclaim, “We are all one,” and retreat into context. Silly humans. “I am right, and you are wrong” as a context for living doesn’t seem to work. Maybe we should try “I am wrong” and leave it at that. I don’t know. I was just (wrongly) wondering.


What is it about you, me, or anyone who thinks there is something more to life than what is right now? Shallow experience is what you think about, while the only thing you can experience is what’s happening now. Do you see? Reality never carries the seeds of thoughts, contemplation of what might come later, or comparisons to what has passed. Only humans do that and, in so doing, replace “what is” with the thoughtful, dull, repetitious drone of “what isn’t.”

Lose yourself to silence and quietly watch the magic appear. Actually, it won’t appear; you’ll simply recognize what is always there but hidden behind the clutter of thoughts. You don’t need “more” in life; you need less of what you “think” it should be.


You have the answers, yet you cram for the test as if they will magically change just as you are about to answer them. You ace the test and feel the relief of knowing just what needs to be said to satisfy the test-giver but still don’t know what you thought you would, so by all means, cram some more. There’s another test just ahead. “Cram” information into your head about experiencing life, and all you gain is information that draws you away from actually experiencing it. Do you see? The manual for living has never been written and never will be. You “write” as you go, but you’ll never be tested because life cannot fail, no matter how much you cram for it.

Let the words of your experience disappear so that each moment contains a blank page on which you will write anew, a life whose only expression is wonder and awe. You won’t be tested, but what you experience will be “crammed” full.


The top of the mountain is a myth told by those who climb but never reach it. Besides, there is no coming down from the top, so no one can tell of its grandeur. No one knows the way, yet we all know that somewhere within there lies what cannot be spoken.

Climb your mountains, assured that YOU are at the highest peak wherever you rest, and no one knows your secret. But to see you at rest, calm and peaceful, they too may discover the view with no beginning or end.


“There is nothing new under the sun,” it is said; thus, everything you think, believe, and know is not original to you but learned from others. In other words, what we all like to proclaim as “my life, my way” is copying someone else’s with the label of “me” or “mine” attached to it. The original “new” life is like a child seeing a flower for the first time and without the parental commentary of what kind of flower it is, or observing a starlit sky without knowing a thing about stars, just mesmerized that something so vast and beautiful shows up just for you every night. Do you see? What you think (believe, know) masks what is actually “new.”

It is what you don’t know and will never know that is new, and if you think about that, it too will fade into your reason and be lost forever to that which is “under the sun.” “New” yields to the light of mind but shines into the eternities where no thought exists. Your silence is the light.


That with which we identify is that which divides us. It is easy to say, “We are all one,” but we are separate from everything if we identify with anything. “Who we are” is unimportant; “what we are” doesn’t care. It has no identity. Find the “what” that lies beneath the “you” (identity). That is the place of oneness; it is the ultimate beauty!


You, now, are the only point in creation. Nothing before and after exists unless you, unaware and disconnected, stir it up in your mind and sully it with your thoughts. Awareness and connection manifest all that is, and it all happens right now before a single thought enters into it. Do you see?

YOU, the beholder, are, the beheld. It is ALL, literally, YOU. YOU’re kind of a big deal, but don’t let that go to your head!