
Of what are you aware? Is your venture into whatever your experience happens to be about you singularly facing a world that acts upon you in positive or negative ways, or do you experience a world that bustles with movement and surprise, as if “it” is living you? You live or are lived. Living (for most) is a series of snapshots that narrowly focus on you in the world. Being “lived” makes you the whole world. You don’t “choose” one or the other. You simply are; when you know what you are.


You are not what you describe yourself to be. Humans have an odd need to express their accomplishments and history as if what they are right now is not enough. Could anything you have done or planned be more incredible than YOU right now, at this very moment? If you could only stop describing who or what you are, you might(actually) get to experience who or what YOU are. Show up, but shut up; descriptions are never necessary when it’s YOU.


“What is” is directly proportional to what your Mind thinks “it” is. In other words, the more you think about “what is,” the less there is. Thinking limits your awareness and narrows the vastness of your experience. The only solution: stop thinking!


Don’t judge when in doubt about people, places, or things. When sure, don’t judge. There is no such thing as a non-egoic judgment, just as there is no such thing as righteous judgment. Be active in life; participate and “be about being,” but don’t judge any part of it with any part of your reason or beliefs. When it comes to judgments, you’re always wrong. Me too 😊


Do you know who you are? Most unfortunate. Whomever or whatever you consider yourself to be is only an illusion, a role, a mask. That is, any thought of you is not you. When you strip away everything you consider yourself to be, what is left is not a “who” but a “what,” and that, A.K.A., YOU is indescribable. WHAT? Exactly!


The experience of eternity always occurs in the present. That is your present uncoupled from what you think, so in reality, each breath you take and every beat of your heart is “eternity” experiencing YOU.


Living in the “now” requires only one thing: LIVING! That is, it requires no meaning, no cause, no searching whatsoever. It is a complete release from all the silly things your Mind tells you it is or desires it to be. Silly, silly, silly.


Are you lost on a so-called path you believe is “your path.” Only if you believe there is a path you think you could get lost on. YOU are not lost! You never are, nor is anyone else. Being lost while living is impossible unless you create the path you think you must be on and somehow veer from it instead of embracing where you are now. Do you see the problem? It’s “thinking.” So stop thinking, look down, and consider where you are; this instant is the only place you could be, and it took no thought whatsoever to be here. Your experience is what it is right now, so why muck it up with something you call a path and made up in your mind? The “beaten path” is unreal, but where you are NOW is real. Get off the beaten path and Stop thinking you need to be somewhere other than where you are!  Â