Humans give away too much power to the confusion generated by their minds that seek “reasons and whys” where none exist. They even buy into the added confusion sown by others doing the same thing.
The majority of thinking, yours and theirs (mine too), is repetition and a drone playing on and on without any allowance for something new and real that lies beyond the chatter. It’s a wonder we even call it thinking and perhaps another reason not to give credence to what others “think” of you, me, us, or anything else. Most of our so-called thinking isn’t thinking! Do you see?
The only thought worth having is “no thought.” It starts in exquisite silence, and if allowed to remain so without running through a gauntlet of mind-based repetition, awareness pops out. Now, that might be something to (not) think about.
The heart and soul of impeccability is “I don’t know.” That supplication frees you from every imperfection you or others think exists. Any other meaning assigned to it is words inflated by concept and belief, typically designed to make the expresser feel important.
Impeccability is action without reason or purpose, and purity is its inevitable outcome. YOU are perfect; you always have been and always will be, but you will never know it by hearing it from me or trying to convince yourself you are. Know the “Knower,” and ”I don’t know,” dissolves into virtue. YOU are that!
Spirituality is present moment awareness. It is not what you’re thinking about what you’re doing when you’re doing it, but just being present with whatever you are doing. Do you see? The application of how the moment, e.g., “what is happening,” is “spiritual,” undoes any possibility of spirituality.
Spirituality contains not a single thought of “spirituality” during any activity. In other words, the entire engagement with the doing puts your mind on hold, your body at ease, and “doing” a “not-doing” for any other reason than you are doing it. It’s uplifting to experience “experience” without a narrative. Seriously!
Self-debasing at any level is driven by the stories you tell of its beginnings. Do you see? Stories fuel a protracted struggle to reach an arbitrary level taught and believed must be achieved to overcome your “less-than-ness” caused by something that no longer exists in reality. But the telling of the stories never seems to stop. Isn’t what you should do obvious?
Any story you tell of you is not you. It is fiction’s invasion of you now and now, regardless of any idea you attach to it, is perfection only someone without any story can experience. Don’t waste “now” with anything that isn’t, and your story, no matter how grand or horrific, “isn’t.”
YOU are perfect now; it is the only place or time you will be. So, right now seems like an excellent place to begin your perfect reality.
Ease in living comes when all your means to understand life are exhausted. In other words, you will never understand, but the release from trying will free you to witness life doing what it does and doing it despite all the reasons you and everyone else make up about it under the guise of understanding.
Life works; it just does, and you, without understanding a thing about it, “work” too if you simply live and love what is right now. You can’t learn anything if you don’t know the subject, and life offers no subjects. That’s all you need to understand.
Carl’s Nutshells
The playground of happiness is always open, never guarded, and admission-free. The only thing that keeps us from entering is our Mind’s crazy idea of happiness. The thought of happiness is the demise of it. So, stop thinking about it, and let’s play.
Carl’s Nutshells
Your wants disempower you. Your needs lull you into illusion, and your possessions enslave you. Minimize all three to experience more freedom, less stress, and unconstrained joy.
Something beyond the mind and our physical conditions are free; it always has been and always will be. Each of us is greater than anything we can imagine, regardless of what others may try to impose on us. Find the “who” who came to this life, and you will know freedom. The free we all have at the non-physical level exceeds anything we think governments can provide