
Your fixation on improving or learning something in life should go no further than developing to a high degree your ability to experience your experience more fully. You have the perfect playground for developing such skills as well. It’s right here right now without the intellectualization of previous experiences or the confusion of imagined future experiences that do not exist in reality.

In other words, you love what is, and life fills in all the blanks, or you play multiple-choice and live a life where your carefully thought-out, well-reasoned, and meticulously committed to memory guesses are wrong. You won’t fail in either case, but you might experience less stress and much more fun. Just sayin’.

Living by the book or just living. It’s not much of a choice if you don’t think about it, but it’s a monster if you do, So don’t.


Awareness is seeing exactly “what is” without any thoughts or explanations accompanying it. One who “sees” (is aware) “knows” instantly and is clear before any thought enters into it. In other words, any explanation of “what is” is its undoing.

You could say reverence is the doorway to “knowing” what is that otherwise is unknowable.


The time to let go is now—always now. To hold on to all the things “modern living” vies for adds to the pile of unimportant junk that frustrates living in general. There are few things you must do, and unless you give the green light to do them, they have no power over you.

Turn off that news or social media feed, take the scenic route to work, and slow down. Turn off your phone for an hour or six, close your laptop, pause, smile, and casually but firmly say no to that lunch invite; it’s time you could put to calmer use. And by all means, don’t fill this moment with anything the non-existent future demands. Did you get that? The future (and past) is “non-existent!” Let go and see if you don’t make it to the end of the day. I bet you do.


Self-importance is the mountain no one successfully climbs. Its incline is steep, and its peak extends forever in the mind that struggles to reach it. Eventually, you’re in the clouds where you can no longer see anything but your ego-imagined self. There is nothing of value on the mountain of self-importance.

Nothing you do in any walk of life is important. That you are “what YOU are” while walking is. YOU have no measure in human “being.”


Ego feasts on all mind-made judgments of “good and evil” and dooms everyone because of its various distinctions between the two. Do you see? All “sides” in human experience are gourmet dining to a ravenous ego. Yes, even yours and you are fed well regardless of what variation you choose.

Stop choosing! There is a joy to be had right now, but you must stop gorging yourself on the fruits (ideas) of good and evil. Seriously, real, undefined, unencumbered happiness beyond the frenzied feast!


Have you ever noticed that happiness comes without wanting anything else? When you are happy, you’re not thinking about what you want to replace it. It’s the complete package of present-moment awareness, containing everything worth having right then and there.

Isn’t that the way of presence, experiencing “what is” without the pull of unnecessary desires stealing reality? What you want is always right in front of you. It’s not a lesson, revelation, or previous dream that has come true. It is what it is, and nothing you want will ever replace it or alter it, so why add a single “want” to it?

“What is” is yours to disparage or embrace. Since you cannot change anything, why not just embrace it? Seriously, what more could you “want?”


Self-debasing at any level is driven by the stories you tell of its beginnings. Do you see? Stories fuel a protracted struggle to reach an arbitrary level taught and believed must be achieved to overcome your “less-than-ness” caused by something that no longer exists in reality. But the telling of the stories never seems to stop. Isn’t what you should do obvious?
Any story you tell of you is not you. It is fiction’s invasion of you now and now, regardless of any idea you attach to it, is perfection only someone without any story can experience. Don’t waste “now” with anything that isn’t, and your story, no matter how grand or horrific, “isn’t.”

YOU are perfect now; it is the only place or time you will be. So, right now seems like an excellent place to begin your perfect reality.


If you believe that you have figured it out, know why and where you are, and have discovered your reason for being, you’d never have to repeat your history, speak your truth, or explain how you got to your incredible awareness. Transformation comes without explanation or reason and is indescribable in any language and non-transferable. You will never convince anyone that you “know the way.” In other words, awareness is exclusively full of mystery and surprise for you.

Afterward, all you can do is be aware and recognize that the same awareness stands right next to everyone else you encounter, only not yet realized by them. It makes it ever so easy to love everyone! It’s pretty cool when you think about it, but don’t “think” about it. Just love!


Ease in living comes when all your means to understand life are exhausted. In other words, you will never understand, but the release from trying will free you to witness life doing what it does and doing it despite all the reasons you and everyone else make up about it under the guise of understanding.

Life works; it just does, and you, without understanding a thing about it, “work” too if you simply live and love what is right now. You can’t learn anything if you don’t know the subject, and life offers no subjects. That’s all you need to understand.


What you believe is coming to you or that you think you are going to is ego luring you into a hole that the past has already dug. Anywhere but here is where ego wants you to be, and sadly, most are “anywhere but here.”

As wise ones have said, the ground you stand on now is “holy ground.” Solid, firm, and real. Will you undermine it with yesterday’s unfulfilled expectations or tomorrow’s dreams of what isn’t? Stand where you are and be present. Nothing is more evident than “now,” and you can always deal with that!